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Children's Medical Services - Special services for children with special needs
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Florida Pilot, Research and Demonstration Projects

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CEFEL) - resource for parents of children with disabilities
Website: http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu

Early Social Interaction Project - a demonstration and research project that provides early intervention for toddlers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families
Website: http://esi.fsu.edu

First Words Project - a longitudinal research investigation in the Autism Institute in the College of Medicine at Florida State University
Website: http://firstwords.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 488-5780

Florida State University Center for Prevention and Early Intervention Policy - focuses on vulnerable infants and toddlers who can be positively affected through nurturing relationships, strong maternal and child health, and quality early childhood care and education.
Website: http://www.cpeip.fsu.edu/
Phone: (850) 922-1300

Projects and Research at the University of South Florida -of Early Childhood Intervention
Website: www.usf.edu/cbcs/cfs/research-training/index.aspx
Phone: (813) 974-4640

We hope the information provided is helpful to you. Send any questions or requests to be added to the directory to: EarlyStepsDirectory@flhealth.gov

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For more information call (800) 218-0001