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Children's Medical Services - Special services for children with special needs
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Father and daughter; Text - Bringing health care professionals together to serve children and families Family in front of house; Text - Offering high-quality care in a nurturing environment Parents and daughter laughing; Text - Creating a medical home where families are respected and supported
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Support Groups/Organizations & Parent Training and Information Centers

Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive- is a coordinated federal effort that will help families and providers to encourage healthy child development, universal developmental and behavioral screening for children, and support for the families and providers who care for them.
Website: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ecd/child-health-development/watch-me-thrive/families

Early Steps Family Resource Specialists -provides information and support, training, community resource development, family representation for families involved in the Early Steps system.
Website: http://cms-kids.com/families/early_steps/frs.html

Easter Seals Make the First Five Count -a resource to partner with parents in raising a healthy and happy child. Answers questions about child development and helps parents to be aware of the five key growth areas during the critical years before their child starts kindergarten.
Website: http://www.easterseals.com/mtffc
Phone: (800) 221-6827

The Family Health Line - is a statewide free hotline offering counseling information and referrals about pregnancy, infant and toddler issues. The goal of the hotline is to improve the health status of Florida’s pregnant women and their children by providing callers with information on helpful community resources and answering basic questions about pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth education and other pregnancy related concerns.
Website: https://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/womens-health/pregnancy/family-health-line.html
Phone: 1 (800) 451-2229

Family Network on Disabilities of Florida - a grassroots organization for persons with disabilities and their families that is family-centered and family-driven.
Website: www.fndusa.org
Phone: (800) 825-5736

Healthy Start - available to pregnant women, infants and children up to age three. Services include: referral and ongoing care coordination and support to assure access to needed services.
Website: http://healthystartflorida.com/
Phone: (850) 270-9246

Parent to Parent of Miami - a community parent resource center serving parents of children with disabilities in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties.
Website: http://www.ptopmiami.org/
Phone: (305) 271-9797

We hope the information provided is helpful to you. Send any questions or requests to be added to the directory to: EarlyStepsDirectory

Also available is a Print Version of the Early Steps Directory.

For more information call (800) 218-0001